The us-east-2 region will be hosting the micros4l-onprem
VPC with a prefix of also containing 2 private subnets. Two t2.micro EC2 instances will be deployed here in separate subnet/availability zones called micros4l-onpremdnsa/b
and configured with Bind and the zone
. Additionally, the zone for
will be configured on these servers with forwarders set to the AWS Inbound endpoint IP addresses in order to forward requests for the Web subdomain to the AWS Route 53 resolvers. A third basic t2.micro EC2 instance called micros4l-onpremapp
will be deployed which we'll use for testing DNS resolution from "on-prem" to AWS (us-east-1).
The us-east-1 region will be hosting the micros4l-aws
VPC with a prefix of containing 2 private subnets - note the non-overlapping private IP space between the environments as this is a requirement for VPC peering in addition to DirectConnect (DX) connectivity which is being simulated. Two basic t2.micro EC2 instances, micros4l-awsec2b/b
will be deployed here for testing DNS resolution into our simulated Corporate on-prem datacenter. Each instance is deployed in a separate subnet/availability zone. The Route 53 private hosted zone for
with an A record of
is configured here. Additionally, Route 53 Inbound and Outbound endpoints are hosted here where each endpoint gets associated with both of the us-east-1 private subnets. The Outbound endpoint will have a forwarding rule for the
zone associated with it which targets the micros4l-onpremdnsa/b
Bind servers hosted "on-prem" (us-east-2) to resolve outbound requests to the Corporate subdomains.
All instances will be deployed with settings configured to allow Systems Manager connectivity as this is the only way to connect to these private instances in this environment as none of them will be deployed with a public IP address nor is there any internet gateway created - these are completely isolated, private environments.
directory and run terraform plan/apply: cd aws-terraform-hybrid-dns/global/iam
terraform plan
terraform apply
Resources deployed in this terraform module:
- IAM instance policy, roles and policy attachments which all EC2 instances in this design will
- S3 bucket for storing the terraform state files. Update your bucket name here as it must be globally unique/us-east-2
directory and run terraform plan/apply: cd aws-terraform-hybrid-dns/us-east-2
terraform plan
terraform apply
Resources deployed in this terraform module:
- micros4l-onpremdnsa/b simulating on-prem Linux Bind/DNS servers and micros4l-onpremapp Linux
- VPC with prefix, 2x private subnets, private route table associated with the 2x subnets, Security Group and rules allowing SSM access and DNS requests, VPC Endpoints for SSM connectivity/us-east-2
module deployment and save them in a temp text file for use as input in the next step. For example: onprem-private-rt_id = "rtb-0fae5266503453da8"
onpremdnsa_ip = ""
onpremdnsb_ip = ""
onpremvpc_id = "vpc-0ab74c12320891aa3"
directory and run terraform plan/apply: cd ../us-east-1
terraform plan
terraform apply
Resources deployed in this terraform module:
- micros4l-awsec2a/b AWS
- Route 53 hosted private zone, A record, Route 53 Inbound endpoint, Route 53 Outbound endpoint for the domain with a Forwarding rule pointing to the Corp on-prem environment (us-east-2)
- VPC with prefix, 2x private subnets, private route table associated with the 2x subnets, VPC Peering connectivity between the AWS us-east-1 region to the "on-prem" us-east-2 region, Security Group and rules allowing SSM access and DNS requests, VPC Endpoints for SSM connectivity/us-east-1
module deployment and save them in a temp text file for use as input in the next step. Note you'll only need the "ip" address output from each of the 2 endpoints. For example: aws_route53_resolver_inbound_endpoint_ips = toset([
"ip" = "" <---- INBOUND_ENDPOINT_IP1
"ip_id" = "rni-2bc122c23384d09af"
"subnet_id" = "subnet-0e6a97614d0833b47"
"ip" = "" <---- INBOUND_ENDPOINT_IP2
"ip_id" = "rni-75c2ecfc30094b3a9"
"subnet_id" = "subnet-0dce015d7ba12e0de"
values of the forwarders with the Endpoint IP addresses from the outputs of the previous step.micros4l-onpremdnsa
and initiate a connection to it via Session Manager. Enter sudo -i
and with your editor of choice, vi or nano into the /etc/named.conf
file. Scroll to the end of the file and paste the contents of your updated awszone.forward file, save and exit. Run the following command to restart bind service: systemctl restart named
systemctl status named
Using dig or nslookup, test that your local DNS server is resolving the AWS Route 53 private zone/domain for
now that you've applied the Route 53 endpoint IP addresses into the Bind server's named.conf file. You should see it resolve to the 10.10.x.x private IP space of the us-east-1 AWS VPC where the Route 53 inbound endpoints are hosted. For example:
sh-4.2$ dig @ +short
Repeat above steps for micros4l-onpremdnsb
From the AWS console, navigate to the Route 53 service in the us-east-1 region and validate the A record hosted in your private Route 53 zone is using the same IP addresses that your dns server in us-east-2 just resolved to.
and initiate a connection to it via Session Manager. Enter sudo -i
and with your editor of choice, vi or nano into the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
file. Scroll to the end of the file and paste the following contents replacing the THE_PRIVATE_IP_OF_ONPREM_DNS_A/B
values with the actual private IP addresses of the onprem DNS servers which were given in the outputs of your terraform apply for the us-east-2 implementation in step 3.): DNS1=THE_PRIVATE_IP_OF_ONPREM_DNS_A
Restart the network services: systemctl restart network
Run a test ping/dig from the micros4l-onpremapp
instance to the AWS route 53 hosted subdomain:
dig +short
dig +short
- Note I configured ignore lifecycle rules on the accepter_route_table_id and accepter_vpc_id prompts so just hit Enter here to bypass these. You'll need to input the onpremdnsa/b_ip private IP's as I couldn't get a lifecycle rule to work here:terraform destroy
Route table id of the accepter that you want to peer with it
Enter a value: <Enter>
VPC id that you want to peer with it
Enter a value: <Enter>
Private IP Address of micros4l-onpremdnsa
Enter a value: <-----onpremdnsa_ip
Private IP Address of micros4l-onpremdnsb
Enter a value: <-----onpremdnsb_ip
Do the same for us-east-2
- No prompts for input on this one, simply just terraform destroy
it. I've left the /global/iam
resources in tact since it's just an IAM role/policy and S3 bucket storing my terraform state files.
Upon completion of the above procedure, you should now have 2 separate private environments with fully integrated DNS resolution between them. The private AWS VPC instances in us-east-1 are successfully resolving the Corporate subdomain hosted in the private "on-prem" VPC in us-east-2 via the outbound endpoint and forwarding rule rule for the Corporate domain which gets routed via the VPC Peering connection. Conversely, the private "on-prem" instances in us-east-2 are successfully resolving the web subdomain hosted in the private AWS VPC us-east-1 via the inbound endpoint resolver.
Note the original idea for this design came from Cloud Trainer, Adrian Cantrill. You can find the CFT stack, procedure steps, and videos for his lab here
) used for initial/base infrastructure.